About Peter Hawkey Farm Machinery
The business was started by Peter in 1982 after he had completed a Farm Management course at Seale Hayne Agricultural College His aim was to supply farmers with good used machinery. Since then the business has developed and now supplies New and Used machinery throughout Cornwall.
Both Peter and Carl have a wealth of knowledge to ensure that you, the customer, is happy about your purchase. We have a 2nd hand spares store which comes from breaking up machinery. It has been likened to an "Aladdin's Cave" and it costs nothing to ask about a particular/peculiar part!
All our Machinery/Parts are PLUS VAT unless otherwise stated.
Spares Department
A spares department has been added which can supply anything from nuts and bolts and all wearing parts to the most complicated machine parts. This department is run by Peter's wife Lesley with the able assistance of Carl who is in charge of the workshop. Carl joined us when he was 17 yrs and has grown with the business attaining knowledge and experience to the extent that he is now Peter's "right hand man" and Yard Manager.
We have a range of suppliers and try to acquire parts at the best price possible, we keep our prices low by not having the smartest showroom and staff who are willing and able to help.
Forage Supplies
Hay, Straw and Haylage is available for horse owners in convenient small bales and and orders over £200 can be delivered free throughout Cornwall. The orders can be a mixed load. Our Driver delivers with an LDV Pickup. Larger order are delivered by ourselves in our 7 Ton Lorry. We deliver to Cornwall and South Devon.